RSK Higher Secondary school   
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Links Related to the RSK page
RSK Alumni Members: 1,850
RSK Faculty
The mailing address of RSK
RSK Higher Secondary School
Kailasapuram, Tiruchirappalli
Tamil Nadu 620 014
RSK Telephone Number:+91-0431-2552537, 2573870
E-mail :

Mr Rex Maria Britto - e-mail
Mr jeyaraj - e-mail
Mr. Vimal - e-mail
Note: If your email that you send to the teachers bounces try replacing the to
Mr.Sowrirajan (Maths Faculty) - e-mail is 0431(Trichy)-551722
Mr.Lloyd Gonsalvez - e-mail
Mr.A.Christraj - e-mail
Dr.Rajagopal - e-mail
Mr.Veeraiyan - e-mail
Bro. Tomy Vithayathil - - Bro.Tomy had a massive heart attack last year and is no more. He was in Santhome, Madras.
Mrs.Barbara Samuel, the first teacher to be recruited in RSK. The id of her son Mr.Sheldon Samuel also an rskite is e-mail

RSK Individual Web Site
RSK - Class of 90
RSK - Class of 91
RSK - Class of 93
RSK - Class of 96
RSK - Class of 98 Pictures
1971 Event Album [Powerpoint file 1.5 Megs]

Here are other sites in the web that maintain a list of the Alumni, where you can find RSKites Alumni List (Members: 118) Alumni List (Members: 187)
Another Alumni List (Members: 38)

Mailing list for the RSK alumni of Individual classes
Mailing list for the all RSK alumni
RSKalumni - contact all the rsk alumni using this single group address. Please post only material related to RSK.

1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1993 12B, 1994, 1995, 1995 10 F batch , 1995 commerce group, 1996, 1997, 1997 12D, 1998, , 10 D 1998 batch, 1999, 1999 10B, 2000 commerce group, 2001, 2003 12D, 2004, 2004 E section, 2005, RSK Mentor, and rsk students living in Chennai

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RSKAlumni Website

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RSKMentor Website

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